Business Development
General Information
The goal of the IBEW is to help our signatory contractors and our members prosper by supplying a productive, cost-effective, safety and quality minded workforce for short and long-term employment.
We plan to ensure the ongoing availability of trained, qualified workers, through our joint apprenticeship program.
Five Benefits to Becoming a Signatory Contractor
An on-demand workforce saves money on labour costs. IBEW members are available when and where you need them to be, for as long as you need them to be there. When your project winds down, so too can your workforce. No wasted time or money spent on recruiting, interviewing, training or hiring prospects on a trial basis. The IBEW can put skilled, qualified workers on your jobsite in less than 72 hours.
Reduce start up time and money by employing qualified well trained tradespeople. IBEW members receive ongoing training in trade related and safety areas, and the IBEW/ECANO Education Fund provides relief for many contractor initiated training.
Higher productivity means higher profits. IBEW members are the best trained, most highly skilled and productive craftsmen available anywhere, which helps you wrap up the job on-time and on-budget, avoiding costly deficiencies.
How long does it take you to develop a good superintendent, foreman or sub-foreman? How much money does it cost you along the way? And once you have fostered them, how much do you spend on retention even when times are slow? One of the most common reasons companies become union contractors is that they want to grow. The IBEW can provide qualified supervision for projects of varied size and scope within a 72-hour window, and you won’t see your profits diminish by trying to maintain your supervisory workforce in between projects.
How to Join
For information on how to become a Signatory Contractor, please contact: