Job Call Procedures

Inside & Apprentice ICI and Outside (Line) Lists

  • For every call longer than 10 days – calling starts at the top of the list according to layoff position on the books
  • When a new call comes in – calling starts at the top of the list

You do not get called for other jobs until you are laid off.

Ten (10)-Day Calls

  • First 10-day or less call comes in – list gets printed
  • Calling starts at the top of the list
  • Once the last member to take the call accepts, their name is highlighted
  • The next 10-day or less call comes in – calling starts after the highlighted name
  • This continues until the printed list has been exhausted
  • Once the printed list has been exhausted, a new current list is printed and the process starts over

For 10-day calls, you retain your position on the list, but you do not get called for other jobs until you are laid off.

You cannot work more than 10 days.

Out of Jurisdiction Calls (OOJ)

  • First OOJ call comes in – list gets printed
  • Calling starts at the top of the list
  • Once the last member to take the call accepts, their name is highlighted
  • The next OOJ call comes in – calling starts after the highlighted name
  • This continues until the printed list has been exhausted
  • Once the printed list has been exhausted, a new current list is printed and the process starts over

For OOJ calls, you retain your position on the list, but you do not get called for other jobs until you are laid off.